隆重推出我们充满活力且舒适的 FurSwirl 兜帽,它是舒适和时尚的缩影。这款围脖采用短毛绒内衬,确保肌肤倍感舒适。真正的亮点是超长的外皮层,装饰着一系列迷人的彩色漩涡。拥抱这款围脖的温暖和奢华感觉,轻松提升您的冬季时尚感。无论您是在白雪皑皑的街道上漫步还是在斜坡上滑雪,FurSwirl 兜帽都是让您在整个寒冷季节保持舒适和时尚的完美配饰。
Market Data Overview
Estimated Factory Costs
These are the estimated costs of developing your product with a factory and what you should expect to pay for samples and expect to pay for units in production
Development/Service Costs
These are estimated totals for each key development milestone towards getting your concept into production supported by a team of experts in the Region of your choice, dealing with Factories directly, representing you.
Design Features Overview